Useful links
We have gathered some links that might be useful for you
ASÍ (The Icelandic Confederation of Labour) Calculator for wages agencies
Vinnumálastofnun (The Directorate of Labour)álastofnun oversees unemployment benefits and is responsible for issuing work permits to citizens from states outside the EEA.
Further information in many languages
New in Iceland
newiniceland.isNew in Iceland provides free-of-charge information and advice about anything related to living in Iceland. The services are confidential and in many languages.
The Multicultural Centre
mcc.isThe MCC website contains a lot of useful information about moving to or living in Iceland.
Icelandic Human Rights Centre Icelandic Human Rights Centre provides free-of-charge legal counselling for immigrants.
Renting Helpline renting helpline provides free-of-charge information and advice on your rights and obligations as a tenant.
Stígamót - Center for Survivors of Sexual Violenceígamót provides free and confidential counseling for survivors of sexual violence.
Women’s Shelter Women’s Shelter is a shelter for women who are not able to stay in their homes due to violence.